Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A visit from Eneman

Full disclosure: This post was started last Tuesday - but, I've been busy. So, here it is.

We looked up in the sky - was it a bird, was it a plane??? It's Eneman!
Yesterday, we picked beans. Today, we gave the corn, mineral oil enemas. Yes, folks, you read that right - we gave the corn enemas. My dad says that it is an organic way of keeping bugs from invading your ears of corn. Well, I believe my dad to be a pretty sharp cookie - so the kids and I placed a few drops of mineral oil into the silks on each ear. I remember the first time we did this. I was probably 12 or 13 and some young men were helping us (yes, I had a crush on 2 of them) My dad was a sales man and one of his customers was CB Fleet, the douche and enema makers. I was horrified that I had to give the corn "Summer's Eve" enemas, while trying my best to impress these young, hunky guys. Public humiliation personified.

Gardening has become so much fun. When I was younger I hated gardening - you got hot, dirty and itchy. The bugs would bother you and I could NEVER get my grandmother out of the patch. She would continually say, "Oh, there's a good one. We can't leave that one behind." I used to get so irritated. Now, it is my children who are irritated with me as I repeat those same phrases that my Granny Bobo taught me.

I am so thankful for my heritage. For the love of God's creation, His word, His grace that have been lived out in front of me. How fortunate I have been to have the things of eternal meaning placed before me rather than the things of superficial meaning. I love the fact that Ann Sullivan did not give up on Helen Keller or that her parents decided to try one more thing before institutionalizing her. I love the fact that we were able to care for both of my grandmothers during there last years on this earth. I am glad that we have made sacrifices for our children in order to instruct them on the things eternal.

1 comment:

Jan Ross said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog - I appreciate it! I don't have a garden (WAY too lazy for that) but visit the farmer's market often. There is nothing like fresh-grown produce.