Saturday, June 14, 2008

OOPS!!! I Forgot the Dessert -- The Dinner Party Revisited

Where is my brain????? I forgot all about the desserts we had. Miss Jeanne made an INCREDIBLE blueberry cheese cake & Gail made something called "Sin", which my 17 yr old nephew had 2 helpings of. Knowing we had a group of gourmands on hand, I thought that it would be prudent to have a little something on hand for the younger kids, whose taste buds have not had time to develop to the gourmand standing. We made a double batch of Chocolate Oatmeal Cupcakes (yes, they were 100% whole wheat). These were made from a cake recipe. I will post it later - the recipe is down at the shop. But, let's just say that the cupcakes were "The Icing on the Cake". I made a quick cream cheese frosting for the cupcakes and put the icing in little freezer bags for the "littles" in our group to be able to participate in the meal. Of course, DD (aka Nanna) helped them along as they decorated the cupcakes. At one point after one of the littles finished, she leaned her head back, opened her mouth and just started squirting the icing in her mouth. Gotta love these kids. They had such a good time and were so proud that they had made some part of Grandma June's birthday cake. I firmly believe in everyone participating in meal prep, especially when you have a crowd. That way everyone has a sense of pride in the meal (and I do not have to work so hard). Delegate & Instruct - a great way to cook!!! It tests my control freak fortitude. But, that is part of the fun!!!

1 comment:

Amy @ Amy's FMQ Adventures said...


Gained 5 cyberpounds just reading this.

Still love ya.